
Budget-Friendly Health Tips for Moms: Taking Care of Yourself and Your Family

May 1, 2024

During the month of May the weather is heating up, flowers are blooming, and mothers are being celebrated on Mother’s Day for all the amazing things they do each day. The month of May is also recognized nationally as Women’s Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to empowering women to make their health a priority. 

For many mothers, especially those living in low-income and rural areas, accessing affordable healthcare can be a daunting challenge. The combination of limited resources, location, and financial constraints creates significant barriers to obtaining the necessary medical attention and support. 

Despite these obstacles, it is very important to prioritize health as a fundamental aspect of overall well-being for yourself and your loved ones. Rural health clinics, such as St. George Medical Clinic in Tucker County, play a pivotal role as beacons of accessible care.

Our clinic is a lifeline for many families, offering a wide range of essential services to maintain and restore health and prevent disease while being affordable for all. 

This month, when thinking of budget-friendly ways to prioritize health, here are four tips for moms to keep in mind:

  1. Making Healthy Eating Affordable

Nutritious meals are the foundation of good health, providing essential nutrients to support overall well-being. Moms can make healthy eating a reality without breaking the bank by buying in bulk, choosing seasonal produce as it is often more affordable and fresh, and utilizing food assistance programs, such as WIC (Women, Infants and Children) when available. 

  1. Exercise Without Breaking the Bank

Regular physical activity is vital for not only moms, but the whole family, promoting physical and mental health and bonding. 

Some low-cost exercise ideas to consider include:

  • Walking, running, or hiking: With warmer weather approaching, get out and take advantage of the numerous scenic parks and trails around Tucker County for an enjoyable time with family.
  • Home workouts: Create simple workout routines using household items or participate in free workout videos online.
  1. Prioritizing Preventative Care

When it comes to maintaining good health and catching issues early, preventive care is a must. There are a few ways moms can prioritize affordable, preventive care for themselves and their loved ones. First, scheduling regular check-ups and screenings are extremely important in preventing future issues. Here at St. George Medical Clinic, moms can take advantage of free or low-cost preventive services offered at our clinics, such as mammograms and vaccinations (to name just a few). 

While it may seem like you should skip care now, even when it’s non-urgent, this can lead to unresolved health issues that are more difficult and expensive to treat later on. Many preventive services are often covered by insurance or you may qualify to receive financial assistance. All St. George Medical Clinics operate on a sliding scale discount fee making quality care affordable to all. 

  1. Stress Management on a Shoestring Budget

For rural moms who face unique challenges, these stressors can significantly impact overall health and require specific coping strategies. Challenges that are commonly shared include isolation and limited social interaction, limited access to essential services, such as childcare and recreational facilities, limited job opportunities, lower average incomes, and juggling multiple roles as a mother. 

To cope with these challenges, some cost-effective techniques to consider include daily deep breathing exercises to promote relaxation, mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga, and even journaling. 

Additionally, St. George’s Behavioral Health program is designed to treat and improve your overall mental health and has a 24-hour call service for individuals that are having difficulty coping. Our clinics also offer Cognitive Behavior Therapy which allows patients to gain an understanding of their symptoms and learn skills to manage and cope with it.

Throughout Women’s Health Awareness Month, let’s empower and support all moms, especially those in rural communities, by prioritizing their health. By raising awareness, advocating for accessible healthcare, and leveraging resources like rural health clinics, such as St. George Medical Clinic, we can ensure every mom receives the care and support she is always giving to others

If you, or someone you know, would benefit from making an appointment, call 304.478.3339 to schedule a visit today.

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8591 Holly Meadows Road
Parsons, WV 26287

Phone: 304-478-3339
Fax: 304-478-3311

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