
Celebrate Social Wellness Month in 5 Simple Ways 

June 28, 2023

Acts of self-love and learning how to build strong personal relationships with yourself and others can be practiced all year round. 

But for the month of July, also known as Social Wellness Month, mental health professionals urge folks to celebrate the concept of self-love and tending to relationships.

Social wellness can look like joining a book club or reconnecting with an old friend. It can be starting a new hobby and sticking with it. Social wellness can even be taking much-needed breaks that we all need from time to time.

All of these activities of social wellness help stretch our social muscles and build a strong network, not just with others but with ourselves. 

What are some perks of good social health, you ask?

  • Uplift in mood
  • Higher self-esteem and outlook on life
  • Improve overall cardiovascular function
  • Better reaction to stress and uncertain challenges

So, how can you improve your social health?

Consider these tips:

1. Understand the plans you make

Sometimes, it’s easy to make plans in the moment, but sometimes when the day of the event comes, we just don’t feel like leaving the house. But when this becomes a habit, it can certainly be damaging to friendships. 

Before jumping into plans, be sure this is something you’d want to do and are able to do on that date. And if something does come up (it’s bound to happen every once in a while), propose another plan – even if that’s just taking a walk or having a friend stop by your home. Make an effort for friendships.

2. Give back to your community 

Volunteering can be so rewarding on many levels. Not only are you giving back to your community, but there’s some self-gratification mixed in that is fulfilling.

3. Connect with others

Are you a bookworm? Check to see if there are any local book clubs or even online book clubs. Do you like to crochet or knit? There’s bound to be a group out there with the same interest. 

There’s something so fun about chatting with people who enjoy doing the same things you do. Consider joining a group (in-person or virtual) that caters to your hobbies or interests.

4. Catch up with an old friend

Remember your old friend from high school that you haven’t spoken to in what, gosh, 10 years? Reach out to them! Whether that’s through text, phone call, Facebook messenger, or snail mail. Reconnecting and laughing with an old friend can make you feel refreshed and beaming to have your old friend as part of your current life.

5. Get movin’

We all know how important exercise is to our physical health, but did you know it’s good for your emotional and mental well-being? Yep! Regular exercise can make some pretty incredible changes to your daily life, and it’s a great way to meet new people. Join a yoga class or even a running club. There are tons of classes held at gyms that welcome newcomers. And who knows, maybe you’ll find your best friend in one of these classes?

Improving your social health may seem daunting, but the good news is you’re never too young or too old to start enhancing your social well-being!


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